Para qué profundizar en las enseñanzas sagradas del yoga
Yoga is a spiritual tradition thousands of years old. Today it is practiced everywhere by a large number of people, but if you look closer, it is still so focused on the physical that many people do not have much idea of how much we can gain from daily practice.
Having perfect health and a strong, beautiful body is in fact just a side effect of a transformation that takes place on much deeper levels. DEPTH is a very important factor in yoga practice, but this can only be achieved when our emotions and our mind are in tune with the physical body, but how exactly is this?
The disciplines of yoga were created to first affect the skin and little by little penetrate the muscles, bones, nerves, internal organs, cells, atoms, also touching our most hidden and often forgotten emotions and thoughts, bringing them to the surface and making us aware of who we really are.
For this reason yoga is a spiritual path, and it always will be. Yoga is the journey of the spirit towards the LIGHT, and in most cases, this fundamental aspect of the practice is little explored. We focus all attention and energy on physical poses and superficial concepts.
Personal transformation is essential, and without it, there is no yoga. The recognition and understanding of our conditionings, fears, traumas, weaknesses, tendencies, illusions, strengths, dreams and virtues are the inevitable result of your daily and conscious practice.
That is why we need to learn it from people who have already gone through this transformation and are happy today. In the end, this is all we want. Our physical practice should be a process of personal development, where you can understand the sacred teachings and take them into your day to day, so that your spiritual practice regains meaning and does not remain on the yoga mat.
Our deepest desire is to recover the ancient philosophy so that it is transformative for the human being in the here in the now. A simple and practical philosophy and not an acrobatic practice, so that we can be whole beings and be able to rediscover consciousness and the balance between our physical body, our thoughts, our feelings and our soul.
All of this is possible. The ideal practice begins in the mind. It is to know and inquire about all the possibilities and multidimensionalities of the teachings, so that you can apply it in all your aspects of life and naturally know how to face situations from a more conscious perspective, based on the highest values of humanity.
Yoga only makes sense when it is practiced for a lifetime, until the last breath. The real benefits come only through years of dedicated practice, each individual daily practice being an invitation to RE-cord yourself, to look at yourself again, to RE-join with your heart, to feel, to contemplate and cleanse with all those layers- armor that takes you away from yourself.
The flexibility of the body will come, but it is secondary. If you are thinking of entering this path, you must first meditate on what type of yogi or yogini you want to be. Seek knowledge and know yourself. Learn, show it in your life and allow yourself to be.
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With love and devotion,