Ayurveda conferences & chats with doctors

Where: AyurVida Ibiza & Online
Price: Free Entry (donations are accepted for the maintenance of the association)
More information and reservations: info@ayurvidaibiza.com
Confirm assistance, please … Email, telegram or whatsapp:
+34 609 776 812
Free lectures and talks with doctors about all issues of Ayurvedic studies. If you want to investigate any special topic, contact us and we will propose it. We love to study with you!
Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine
Ayurveda means the science of life, the science that studies life from all its facets and understands human beings and all that surrounds them as an interrelated unit. Historically it comes from India, but it is something that has expanded over millennia across the planet, with different names and different characteristics but with the same background. We do not consider it as an exotic method of India, but as something universal, common sense, self-love.
Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine treat the patient as an integral body-mind-spirit, studying and treating the causes of diseases as well as symptoms. It is an absolutely proven science for thousands of years, effective and efficient, without secondary effects that establish our health through a body – mind balance and a series of diets, therapies and behaviors.
The more we learn from this millenary science, the more we realize how essential it is to relearn what our ancestors knew so well. It is time to take charge of our own health and stop relying on products and trends that harm us and disconnect our balance and our nature.
As is the general panorama and neglect in which health is found in our country, we have thought that more than ever it is important to learn to treat people and diseases from a more holistic and independent point of view. We have been approaching for years to Ayurveda, using their products and learning their massages and therapies, as well as four seasons translating the Dr. Tibetan Dr. Dorib, in the tours they do in Spain and also in Kerala, India, learning in Ayurvedic hospitals and doing different intensive courses about concepts, massages, therapies, treatments and practicing with different therapists.
We keep doing our talks on Tibetan medicine and Ayurveda online and in different centers around the world, with the collaboration of different Ayurvedic doctors, such as the Tibetan doctor Sangye Dolma, Dr. Ven. Lama Jampa or Dr. Vijay, who ore living in Spain and will be able to travel periodically, and Dr. Shiyas Hussain Sheriff, from Kerala India, and Dr. Dhara Barai from Gujarat, and who will be coming every year and will continue attending our conferences and online consultations.
Any question or suggestion as always we will gladly assist you!
More information and reservations:
+34 609 776 812